Case: Stop being so toxic! 

Join Ragn-Sells' case competition to revolutionise global resource management by tackling the "detoxification" challenge. The winner will be awarded 25,000 SEK! 

The shift from waste-based to resource-based plants requires a detoxification perspective due to unsustainable resource extraction practices since the Industrial Revolution. Despite efforts to address this issue, such as the OECD's polluter pays principle and the EU's Eighth Environment Action Program, material extraction remains high in Europe, exceeding sustainable levels. Without significant intervention, future projections indicate an increase in material demand, highlighting the urgent need for strategies to reduce consumption and transition to more sustainable practices. 

The traditional waste hierarchy, developed in 1979, has been a cornerstone in waste management but fails to address the complexities of resource management in today's world. It overlooks the need for detoxification processes, quality standards, and resource storage for future use. As a result, adhering strictly to this hierarchy has led to resource depletion, environmental pollution, and the burden of these issues being passed onto future generations. However, there's a growing recognition of the need for a new approach that integrates detoxification principles into resource management, emphasizes resource utilization and quality, and considers the well-being of future generations. 

At Ragn-Sells, we have recognised the pressing need for action in the realm of waste management. That's why we have chosen "detoxification" as the central theme for our case competition. Our aim is to inspire innovative solutions that tackle these challenges head-on.

Therefore, we extend our invitation to students to explore and address issues within the theme of "detoxification" and present their innovative approaches to addressing these challenges.  

The winner will be awarded 25,000 SEK and will have the opportunity to present their case at "Framtidsdagen" on October 18.

Explore further about the world's resource challenges here and learn about Ragn-Sells' efforts to tackle these issues here.



Fill in the form and submit your competition contribution here (in Swedish)


  1. Register for the competition by July 5.

  2. First submission by August 31st
  • An abstract of the problem and the solution for Ragn-Sells to verify the theme. 
  • Registration certificate from LADOK showing 300 credits, including at least 6 credits during the spring semester of 2024. 

Send mail to:


3. Final submission by September 13

  • Scientific text covering the problem and its solution. 
  • Justification for why you have chosen your problem.  
  • A video presentation of your work. 

Send mail to:


3. Email or phone call from Ragn-Sells by October 4
Ragn-Sells' internal jury will inform via email or phone call.


4. Presentation on October 18
The winner(s) will be invited to present their case at Ragn-Sells' annual seminar, Framtidsdagen (Future Day).


Rules for Participation: 

  • All participants must be enrolled at a university in Sweden. 
  • Participants must have completed at least 180 credits, including a minimum of 6 credits during the spring semester of 2024. 
  • To clarify, all students participating must either have just begun their master's program (starting in the fall semester of 2024 or the spring semester of 2024) or be in their second year of their master's program (starting in the fall semester of 2023 or the spring semester of 2023). 


  • The abstract may consist of two A4 pages and should be at least one A4 page. 
  • The justification may be a maximum of one A4 page. 
  • The video must be filmed in portrait orientation. 
  • The video length must not exceed 10 minutes. 
  • Students present everything in Swedish, but during Framtidsdagen, they must present in English. 


  • The abstract, scientific text, and justification should be in three separate Word files. 
  • Font: Times New Roman. 
  • Size: 12. 
  • Line spacing: 1.5. 
  • The Harvard referencing system may be used. 
  • The video must be in MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14) format.